my other…& better & wiser & lovelier & prettier & smarter &&&&….half…correction…WHOLE

if you were my friend,
   i’d be yours
     until the end

if you were my girlfriend,
   my poems, our journey
     would know no end

if you were my lover,
   with you apedestal I’d engrave,
     "no one stands above her"

if you were my wife,
   you’d be my everything
      you’d be my life

if you were my spouse,
   our love would torch,
      be hard to douse

if you were my woman,
   i’d worship you,
      as egyptians do the sun

if you were my mate,
   everyday would be
     an anniversary date

if you were my soul mate,
   you’d be my destiny,
      you’d be my fate



if i was your knave
   i’d do your bidding,
     be your sex slave