As I see rising in the mist
   A new generation next in line amidst

With nieces, nephews, inaanaks ready to score
   Take us to new heights to the sky from the shore

I’m proud of what I see, heartened I indeed am
   Of this youth ready for more, no more need to cram

I can’t wait for them to henceforth get started
   For as we drift off, be getting departed

In good hands, we are, transmitted all things relevant
   The importance of the cause will not be ambivalent

Lolo Lucas, a man of vision and great determination
   Lessons to learn, his descendants, his foundation

The family is good, the institution a reminder
   To be leaders, be seekers, and to be finders

Our people are everywhere, from Pilipinas and abroad
   We are one in unison, touched by a love, simple and broad

May this next one in line be touched by the divine
   And deliver Jose Rizal’s promise of a nation not declined

We see her hurting, our pearl of the orient sea.
   Perhaps through them all, we can finally be.

A people worthy of our heroes, from Mabini to Nay Isa
   And travel everywhere to learn, sans a visa

Like our National hero, from Europe, America and Asia did he sojourn
   And bring us the spark of a new life to be born

It is our hope that they will be able to deliver,
   What has vexed us all, our potential not a sliver

A country, a land, a place full of promise
   As I say once again, they’re now here in the midst


Inaanak – godchild
Pilipinas – Philippines
Lolo – Grandfather
Jose Rizal – National hero of the
Mabini, Nay Isa – Philippine heroes


5:00 am
VP and Blue line to UTC


Our eyes lock into each other at times
   I’m left wondering since I’m not at my prime

Whether there’s a chance for me to be her man
   And do whatever it takes, whatever I can

Seeing her smile, and her laugh fills that void
   Endowing me with feelings I’ve long since avoid

Warm is the embrace when we say goodbye
   With hope I see her again, this time no lie

I will say that I love her, again and again
   And not avoid the talk of just being a friend

She embraces the Lord, filled with the holy spirit
   I too have had visions of a type that is with it

Filled I am of hope to be a husband and a dad
   We’re both of an age, that leap must be had

Bambinos everywhere, the Leto name continues
   Wedding bells I hear, life’s cycle is renewed

Please say yes my love to what I’m about to do
   It’s cliché to say, but I’m nothing without you

And vow I shall to love you forever
   Time is running out, it’s now or never


VP @ 12:30pm


Can there be an explanation for this uncanny encounter
   of someone I have just met, for I think that I have found her

Surreal is this feeling, of having known her all of my life
   I’m partnered with another, yet I know she will be my wife

Searched I have all over for someone I’m totally in synch with
   Perhaps we knew each other in lives past, something not a myth

Endured we have with others, relationships not to our liking
   But when I’m with her, I just can’t help but find it striking

That we complete each other’s sentence, in poetry and prose
   Conversation never over, the words just naturally flows

The new year has just begun and I’m curious what’s in store
   of this beautiful friendship I have with her, that I can’t wait to explore


January 1, 2022
Village Place, San Diego


Please don’t lose your wonder
Your passion, your heart, your thunder

Certainly now I’m left asunder
All this brought on by my many a blunder
Your gift you’ve wanted to share, not even plundered

With you gone, I’ve time to ponder
Learn from it, adrift on the great blue yonder
Knowing still that my love for you will grow fonder


April 2005


There is a person in this world unlike any other
   She’s our heroine, the one we call our mother

She brought forth in this world me and three brothers
   Gave us all the love we could ask for, we were smothered

Happy Mother’s day and for all that you are
   From your humble sons, Thomas, Phillip, Richie and BinMar


May 2006 on Mother’s Day


She could be your daughter
   she could be your niece
and both of them can be had
   for thirty dollars apiece

What does it say of us
   when we sell off their innocence
How has it come to this
   have we lost our minds, stop making sense

How many more of our precious ones
   will be bartered off or be sold
Before we come to realize that
   these children are not coins of errant gold

The day will come when we’ll all pay the price
   For we’ve pushed our luck, we’ve all rolled the dice
We’ve turned a blind eye to what’s been done
   We’ll come to regret this when Judgment Day has begun


August 16, 2005
10:00 p.m.


I’m now fully aware of my circumstance
    I once hated it because I didn’t like the dance

But I find as I change the music’s tune
    The negative forces are still here but now I’m immune

I now have a purpose, to right my battered ship
    Patch it up, chart my course and enjoy the trip

Thanks to the Village and all it has offered me
    I’m at peace with myself, something I ought to be



August 19, 2005
8:30 pm


rise up to love, let me show you the way
you’ll never be the same, the beginning of all days

when the birds sing, you will know of their song
you’ll never be afraid and you can never go wrong

when you see the sun rise and sets, you’ll see her majesty
bear witness to her tomorrows with all her pageantry

rise up to love, that is all that i ask
everything is beautiful, take off the mask

and when you’re up in that high and lofty perch
we’ll share the view together and seek others who’s in search


May 23, 2005 8:30am


through it all, she’s been there for me
where I was blind, she helped me to see

her name’s Susanna, a goddess bar none
her kiss set me on fire and my new life begun

I fell in love and have never let go
more than just her, but with life that is so


May 20, 2005
2:00 p.m.

Untitled 2

We have a connection together,
    both you and I

We created something of joy,
    we needn’t be shy

I know when we both meet our son,
    it will be a great high

But knowing that my role has
    ended is enough to cry

As I wipe away endless tears
    pour out of my eye

They are not only of pain,
    but of joy, the reason why?

He was brought into this world
    by a person named Skye



May 24, 2005
10:00 p.m.